New Orleans and the Battersea Arts Centre bedrooms

Hi Gang!

Above is a picture of dad and I at St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans. We received an Artists’ International Development Fund to meet with benevolent societies, jazz bands and Mardi Gras Indian’s. This was research for our new show Ugly Chief – a part theatre show; part musical about the British relationship with death.

We only got back last week so I am still decompressing. I haven’t spent that much time with dad since I left home at 16. We are still talking just taking a break until we continue to work together to develop the show in July.

Hair Peace is on tour and so far I have accidently swallowed a hair on stage and choked. I also had the most academic heckler of my life who just shouted simply “DNA!” I have no idea if it was in praise of DNA or what?

Here is an article I wrote yesterday for the Independent about my motivations for making making Hair Peace.

Hair Peace Trailer

Rosie Powell has made an amazing new trailer that really reflects this new version of the show:

Whilst at Battersea Arts Centre I’ll be taking up residence in the bedrooms, so do come and say “Hi” after the show in the bar.

Speaking of bedrooms (nice link) Mike Melody (dad) and I were commissioned to design 3 bedrooms for artists to stay in at Battersea Art Centre. We completely fitted them out in luxurious antiques for less than we would have paid for generic, mass produced Ikea showroom furniture. The point being that antiques have lost their value because people just want to consume. In addition to choosing objects and interiors from mum and dad’s pre-existing collection (including items from my old bedroom) we searched out items that excited us. The objects were selected because of their provenance.

Here is an article by Matt Truman for The Guardian about the artist’s bedrooms.


The making of Mike & Victoria Melody’s Artist Bedrooms

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you soon!

Vic x

Victoria Melody Battersea Arts Centre Bedrooms