First of all I just wanted to say – Thanks! Thanks for reading this newsletter, for following my work, coming to my shows and for just being generally supportive. I know some great people in this industry and I’m lucky to know ya. So thanks for that.
It seems like I’ve been quiet for the last few months, that’s because behind the scenes I’ve been beavering away on this lot…
Ugly Chief – We got our funding!
I completed the research and development for Ugly Chief. Dad and I travelled to Brighton, London, Edinburgh and New Orleans performing and generating material for the show. My producers at Farnham Maltings and I recently found out we’ve got Arts Council England funding to make and tour Ugly Chief in 2017. This makes me happy but then there’s the realisation of “Oh NO, I’m going on tour with my dad!”
I’ve been rolling my sleeves up and working as a funeral director to demystify the British funeral system. Using those experiences I’ve been looking at the practicalities of dying and how we deal with death in modern society. It sounds depressing but I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve found it invigorating actually. There’s something about being confronted with mortality that really makes you want to live your life. Funeral directing is an underestimated care industry and I’ve met some brilliant characters.
Brand Spanking New Website
I have a new website, it sings and dances and contains all my images and writing. I made it in collaboration with a brilliant new company called Inter Vivos.
I especially love the projects page where I’m wearing a patch over my lazy eye and doing a robot dance.
PostScript. My email has been changed to info@wordpress-100975-1000262.cloudwaysapps.com
‘Between the living’
Digital marketing for small business” button_text=”Come say hello!” button_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fintervivos.co.uk%2F||target:%20_blank|” info_effect=”fadeIn” banner_image=”id^1825|url^https://victoriamelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/paint-fight-logo.jpg|caption^Intervivos – ‘Between the living’ Digital Marketing for small business|alt^Intervivos – ‘Between the living’ Digital Marketing for small business|title^Intervivos – ‘Between the living’ Digital Marketing for small business|description^Intervivos – ‘Between the living’ Digital Marketing for small business” banner_size=”350″ ib3_alignment=”ultb3-img-top-center” ib3_border=”solid” ib3_border_width=”2″ button_color=”#ffffff” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_text_hover_color=”#000000″ button_border_radius=”1″ style=”“width: 66px; height: 88px;” src=”“https://victoriamelody.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/IV-Logo-News.png“” alt=”“Inter” ib3_background=”#ffffff” ib3_border_color=”#ffffff” title_font_family=”font_family:Oswald|font_call:Oswald|variant:regular” title_font_style=”font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;” desc_font_family=”font_family:Libre Baskerville|font_call:Libre+Baskerville” button_font_family=”font_family:Oswald|font_call:Oswald”]
Dad and I were commissioned by Battersea Art Centre to design and furnish a floor of artist’s bedrooms. We furnished them with the most lavish antiques. It’s like stepping out of the hustle and bustle of the art centre into the serenity and luxury of Downton Abbey. It gave me an indication of what working with dad will be like i.e. a loose canon. We will be staying in the bedrooms during the making of Ugly Chief. Literally a home from home.
The making of Mike & Victoria Melody’s Artist Bedrooms
Goodbye for now Hair Peace
Hair Peace (sounds a bit like herpes with a northern accent) toured nationally and went out with a bang. All my old hair, hair extensions and wigs are now safely packed away in the lock up. Occasionally I wonder what a burglars facial expression would look like if they ever broke into my lock up.
Now I’m technically in the right Century with my new website. I have good intentions of updating my Blog and sending out more than 2 newsletters a year. In fact I’m going to send out a newsletter in the Spring with updates from my funeral directing adventures, tour dates, unveiling the full creative team, and the Ugly Chief trailer which we had ridiculous fun making.
Love Vic and Team